Abbreviations Guide
In order to make the Item Name as complete as possible in the store listings we have used a number of abbreviations. These may also appear elsewhere in the listing and at other locations on the site. The following is a guide to those that may require an explanation:
Road Names
AC | Algoma Central Railway |
ACF | American Car and Foundry |
ACFX | Wells Fargo Rail Corporation |
ALNX | The Alberta Government |
ALPX | The Alberta Government |
ALWX | GE Railcar Services Corporation |
AMT | Agence Metropolitaine de Transport |
APC | American President Lines |
APL | American President Lines |
ATSF | The Atcheson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway |
B&LE | Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad |
B&M | Boston & Maine Railroad |
B&O | Baltimore & Ohio Railroad |
BAR | Bangor and Aroostook Railroad |
BCIT | BC Rail |
BCOL | BC Rail |
BCR | British Columbia Railway |
BN | Burlington Northern |
C&NW | Chicago & Northwestern |
C&O | Chesapeake & Ohio Railway |
CASO | Canada Southern Railway |
CB&Q | Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad |
CBNS | Cape Breton & Central Nova Scotia Railway |
CEFX | CIT Group |
CGLX | GATX Rail Canada Corp. |
CGTX | GATX Rail Canada Corp. |
CN | Canadian National Railway |
CNoR | Canadian Northern Railway |
CNOTP | Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway |
CNR | Canadian National Railway |
CP | Canadian Pacific Railway |
CPKC | Canadian Pacific Kansas Southern |
Canadian Pacific Railway |
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway |
CRLE | Coe Rail, Inc. |
CSL | CSX Transportation, Inc. |
CSX | CSX Transportation, Inc. |
CV | Central Vermont Railway |
D&H | Delaware & Hudson Railroad |
D&RGW | Denver & Rio Grande Western |
D&TSL | Detroit & Toledo Shore Line |
DAR | Dominion Atlantic Railway |
DT&I | Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad |
DW&P | Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific Railway |
E&N | Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway |
ETR | Essex Terminal Railway |
FGE | Fruit Growers Express |
GACX | General American Marks, Co. |
GATX | Locomotive Leasing Partners |
GBRX | Greenbrier Management Services, LLC |
GO | Government of Ontario Transit |
GT | Grand Trunk |
GTP | Grand Trunk Pacific Railway |
GTW | Grand Trunk Western Railroad |
IC | Illinois Central Railroad |
IPL | International Private Line |
LLPX | GATX Rail Locomotive Group |
LMSX | Locomotive Management Services |
LUSX | Expressway |
M&SC | Montreal & Southern Counties Railway |
MEC | Maine Central Railroad |
MP | Missouri Pacific Railroad |
N&W | Norfolk & Western Railway |
NAHX | Wells Fargo Rail Corporation |
NAR | Northern Alberta Railways |
NBEC | New Brunswick East Coast |
NCHX | Wells Fargo Rail Corporation |
NRLX | The CIT Group/Equipment Financing, Inc. |
NYC | New York Central |
OCRR | Ottawa Central Railway |
ONT | Ontario Northland Railway |
OSRX | Ontario Southland Railway |
P&LE | Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad |
PGE | Pacific Great Eastern Railway |
PRR | Pennsylvania Railroad |
QC | Quebec Central Railway |
QGRY | Quebec-Gatineau Railway |
QNSL | Quebec, North Shore & Labrador Railway |
R&S | Roberval & Saguenay Railway |
RDG | Reading Company |
REA | Railway Express Agency |
SAL | Seaboard Air Line Railroad |
SHPX | SMBC Rail Service LLC |
SLSF | St-Louis - San Francisco Railway |
SOO | Soo Line Railroad |
SP | Southern Pacific Lines |
STLH | St. Lawrence & Hudson Railway |
TH&B | Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo |
TILX | Trinity Industries Leasing Co. |
TTGX | TTX Co. |
TTX | TTX Co. |
UNPX | Procor Ltd |
UP | Union Pacific Railroad Company |
URR | Union Railroad Company |
UTLX | Union Tank Car |
VIA | VIA Rail Canada Inc. |
WC | Wisconsin Central |
WM | Western Maryland |
WP | Western Pacific Railroad |
WP&Y | White Pass & Yukon Corporation Limited |
XTRA | Wells Fargo Rail Corporation |
AAR | Association of American Railroads |
ABS | Acrylonitrile, butadiene, and styrene |
Automated Car Identification |
American Locomotive Company |
alum'm | aluminium |
approx. | approximately |
AREA | American Railway Engineering Association |
AWG | American Wire Gauge |
Bach. | Bachmann |
Bald. | Baldwin locomotive Works |
blk | black |
blu | blue |
BLW | Baldwin Locomotive Works |
brg | bearing |
brn | brown |
c.o.e. | cab-over-engine |
CAD | computer-aided design/drafting |
CC&F | Canadian Car & Foundry |
CD | Compact disc |
CLC | Canadian Locomotive Company |
cm3 | centimetre cubed |
cov'd | covered |
CTC | centralised traffic control |
cu. | cubic |
CV | Configuration variable |
dbl | double |
DCC | digital command control |
deg. | degrees |
dia. | diameter |
Div. | Division |
dk | dark |
DPDT | Double pole, double throw |
dr | door |
ed. | edition |
EMD | Electro-Motive Division of General Motors Corp. |
ext. | exterior |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission |
FM | Fairbanks-Morse |
ft. | foot |
g | gram |
gal. | gallon |
GE | General Electric Company |
Geep | EMD GPxx locomotive |
gld | gold |
GM | General Motors Corp. |
GMC | General Motors Corp. |
GMD | General Motors - Diesel Division |
grn | green |
gry | grey |
Gund. | Gunderson |
ht | height |
ICC | Interstate Commerce Commission |
I-Mtn | InterMountain |
in. | inch |
Int'l | International |
IPL | International Private Line |
l.p.g. | liquid petroleum gas |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
let'g | lettering |
m.o.w. | maintenance-of-way |
m.u. | multiple unit |
maint. | maintenance |
MEK | Methyl ethyl ketone |
ml | millilitre |
MLW | Montreal Locomotive Works |
MOW | maintenance-of-way |
mrn | maroon |
MU | multiple unit |
n-b-w | nut-bolt-washer |
NMRA | National Model Railroad Association |
ndle | noodle |
NSC | National Steel Car |
o/dia. | outside diameter |
org | orange |
oz. | ounce |
pass. | passenger |
pc | piece |
PCB | Printed circuit board |
PCP | Priority Ceiling Protocol |
Ph. | Phase |
pr | pair |
PROX | Procor Ltd |
PS | Pullman Standard |
PTFE | Polytetrafluoroethylene |
rect. | rectangular |
reefer | refrigerator car |
RPP | Rail Power Products |
ser. | service |
ser. | series |
snd | sound |
SPDT | Single pole, double throw |
sq. | square |
std | standard |
svr | silver |
TGV | Train a Grande Vitesse |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
USRA | United States Railway Association |
UTP | Universal Transmission Protocol |
w/o | without |
WiFi | Wireless Fidelity |
wte | white |
yel | yellow |
YMCA | Young Men's Christian Association |