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Abbreviations Guide

In order to make the Item Name as complete as possible in the store listings we have used a number of abbreviations. These may also appear elsewhere in the listing and at other locations on the site. The following is a guide to those that may require an explanation:

Road Names

AC Algoma Central Railway
ACF American Car and Foundry
ACFX Wells Fargo Rail Corporation
ALNX The Alberta Government
ALPX The Alberta Government
ALWX GE Railcar Services Corporation
AMT Agence Metropolitaine de Transport
APC American President Lines
APL American President Lines
ATSF The Atcheson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway
B&LE Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad
B&M Boston & Maine Railroad
B&O Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
BAR Bangor and Aroostook Railroad
BCR British Columbia Railway
BN Burlington Northern
C&NW Chicago & Northwestern
C&O Chesapeake & Ohio Railway
CASO Canada Southern Railway
CB&Q Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad
CBNS Cape Breton & Central Nova Scotia Railway
CGLX GATX Rail Canada Corp.
CGTX GATX Rail Canada Corp.
CN Canadian National Railway
CNoR Canadian Northern Railway
CNOTP Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railway
CNR Canadian National Railway
CP Canadian Pacific Railway
CPR Canadian Pacific Railway
CRI&P Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway
CRLE Coe Rail, Inc.
CSL CSX Transportation, Inc.
CSX CSX Transportation, Inc.
CV Central Vermont Railway
D&H Delaware & Hudson Railroad
D&RGW Denver & Rio Grande Western
D&TSL Detroit & Toledo Shore Line
DAR Dominion Atlantic Railway
DT&I Detroit, Toledo & Ironton Railroad
DW&P Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific Railway
E&N Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway
ETR Essex Terminal Railway
FGE Fruit Growers Express
GACX General American Marks, Co.
GATX Locomotive Leasing Partners
GBRX Greenbrier Management Services, LLC
GO Government of Ontario Transit
GT Grand Trunk
GTP Grand Trunk Pacific Railway
GTW Grand Trunk Western Railroad
IC Illinois Central Railroad
IPL International Private Line
LLPX GATX Rail Locomotive Group
LMSX Locomotive Management Services
LUSX Expressway
M&SC Montreal & Southern Counties Railway
MEC Maine Central Railroad
MP Missouri Pacific Railroad
N&W Norfolk & Western Railway
NAHX Wells Fargo Rail Corporation
NAR Northern Alberta Railways
NBEC New Brunswick East Coast
NCHX Wells Fargo Rail Corporation
NRLX The CIT Group/Equipment Financing, Inc.
NYC New York Central
OCRR Ottawa Central Railway
ONT Ontario Northland Railway
OSRX Ontario Southland Railway
P&LE Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad
PGE Pacific Great Eastern Railway
PRR Pennsylvania Railroad
QC Quebec Central Railway
QGRY Quebec-Gatineau Railway
QNSL Quebec, North Shore & Labrador Railway
R&S Roberval & Saguenay Railway
RDG Reading Company
REA Railway Express Agency
SAL Seaboard Air Line Railroad
SHPX SMBC Rail Service LLC
SLSF St-Louis - San Francisco Railway
SOO Soo Line Railroad
SP Southern Pacific Lines
STLH St. Lawrence & Hudson Railway
TH&B Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo
TILX Trinity Industries Leasing Co.
UNPX Procor Ltd
UP Union Pacific Railroad Company
URR Union Railroad Company
UTLX Union Tank Car
VIA VIA Rail Canada Inc.
WC Wisconsin Central
WM Western Maryland
WP Western Pacific Railroad
WP&Y White Pass & Yukon Corporation Limited
XTRA Wells Fargo Rail Corporation


AAR Association of American Railroads
ABS Acrylonitrile, butadiene, and styrene

Automated Car Identification


American Locomotive Company

alum'm aluminium
approx. approximately
AREA American Railway Engineering Association
AWG American Wire Gauge
Bach. Bachmann
Bald. Baldwin locomotive Works
blk black
blu blue
BLW Baldwin Locomotive Works
brg bearing
brn brown
c.o.e. cab-over-engine
CAD computer-aided design/drafting
CC&F Canadian Car & Foundry
CD Compact disc
CLC Canadian Locomotive Company
cm3 centimetre cubed
cov'd covered
CTC centralised traffic control
cu.  cubic
CV Configuration variable
dbl double
DCC digital command control
deg. degrees
dia. diameter
Div. Division
dk dark
DPDT Double pole, double throw
dr door
ed. edition
EMD Electro-Motive Division of General Motors Corp.
ext. exterior
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FM Fairbanks-Morse
ft. foot
g gram
gal. gallon
GE General Electric Company
Geep EMD GPxx locomotive
gld gold
GM General Motors Corp.
GMC General Motors Corp.
GMD General Motors - Diesel Division
grn green
gry grey
Gund. Gunderson
ht height
ICC Interstate Commerce Commission
I-Mtn InterMountain
in. inch
Int'l International
IPL International Private Line
l.p.g. liquid petroleum gas
LAN Local Area Network
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
let'g lettering
m.o.w. maintenance-of-way
m.u. multiple unit
maint. maintenance
MEK Methyl ethyl ketone
ml millilitre
MLW Montreal Locomotive Works
MOW maintenance-of-way
mrn maroon
MU multiple unit
n-b-w nut-bolt-washer
NMRA National Model Railroad Association
ndle noodle
NSC National Steel Car
o/dia. outside diameter
org orange
oz. ounce
pass. passenger
pc piece
PCB Printed circuit board
PCP Priority Ceiling Protocol
Ph. Phase
pr pair
PROX Procor Ltd
PS Pullman Standard
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
rect. rectangular
reefer refrigerator car
RPP Rail Power Products
ser. service
ser. series
snd sound
SPDT Single pole, double throw
sq. square
std standard
svr silver
TGV Train a Grande Vitesse
USB Universal Serial Bus
USRA United States Railway Association
UTP Universal Transmission Protocol
w/o without
WiFi Wireless Fidelity
wte white
yel yellow
YMCA Young Men's Christian Association

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