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Masking Mediums

Masking Mediums

  • Adhesive, "Micro Liquitape", 1 oz. bottle

    Adhesive, "Micro Liquitape", 1 oz. bottle

    Microscale Industries Inc.

    Micro Liquitape is a liquid adhesive that when applied to one side of a part and allowed to dry, can be pressed on to another clean part where it will stick firmly enough for a display model. You can take it apart again and again as long as they stay...
    Available. Current stock: 3
    All Scales
  • Paint masker, "Micro Mask", 1 oz. bottle

    Paint masker, "Micro Mask", 1 oz. bottle

    Microscale Industries Inc.

    Micro Mask is masking tape in a bottle. Just apply it with a brush, let it dry, and cut it to any shape you want with a sharp-pointed knife. Peel out the part where you want to paint, leaving an outer stencil mask, and paint with the method you prefer...
    Available. Current stock: 3
    All Scales

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